Vera G. Hearns Smith Memorial Scholarship
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. is honored that Soror Vera Hearns Smith chose our illustrious sorority by joining the sorority on the Alpha Zeta Sigma chapter, of Bessemer, Alabama on February 14, 1954. She went on to obtain the honor of being Life Member #175 and the distinct recognition of being named a Cultured Pearl during the inaugural cycle of 2006, during the 51st Biennial Boule in Dallas, Texas, for being a member of Sigma Gamma Rho for 50+ years. Soror Smith strived to carry out the mission of Greater Service, Greater Progress by serving Alpha Zeta Sigma as their chapter Grammateus (financial officer) during the 1956-1957 sorority year. She later transferred to the Beta Mu Sigma chapter of Phoenix, Arizona where she lead the chapter as Basileus (President) and devoted her time to reactivating Beta Pi Chapter (Arizona State University) and contributed to chartering Nu Upsilon Chapter (University of Arizona).
Soror Vera Hearns Smith provided faithful service to her sorority and community for more than 64 years, within and around Sigma Gamma Rho by serving in leadership and advising roles: the chairwoman of the Mwanimugimu Essay Contest and Project Wee Savers. She was the proud wife of Bro. Louis Smith, a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated.
Be It Resolved that the members of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. shall forever keep in loving memory Soror Vera Hearns Smith for her legacy, dedication, and many contributions to this sorority and her community.
BMS Affiliates Rhoers
A love for youth and the development of their full potential was the primary motivating factor that inspired Founder Mary Lou Allison Gardner Little to organize Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
Young people today face challenges that could never have been imagined years ago, but such challenges provide the sorority with opportunities to carry on the vision of Little.
Rhoers are young girls, ages 12 - 18, organized on a local, regional and national level. The Rhoer affiliates are working to help other young people while they learn about their heritage and develop leadership skills. Sigma Gamma Rho is dedicated to helping Rhoers to grow to be women of substance dedicated to service.
Visit the Rhoers' Facebook page here.
Since its inception, Sigma Gamma Rho has promoted unity among women and for years many alumnae chapters worked with individuals who were not members of Greek-lettered organizations. These women were organized into auxiliaries that had various names until 1954 when the sorority officially approved the organized affiliate group and accepted the name of "Philo"(meaning Friend) as their official name.
In 1980 the Philos were organized on a national level and have grown to represent hundreds of women organized on a regional level as well. The Philos have contributed countless hours of community service and thousands of dollars to aid Sigma Gamma Rho's aim to enhance the quality of life within every community.
The Beta Mu Sigma Philo Affiliate Chapter was chartered in Phoenix, AZ on September 8, 2007. The charter members are: Frankie Lang, Selena Fields, Debra Brazil and Kimberly Holten.
Membership requirements are to be a woman of good character, possess poise, self-control, interest, outstanding social qualities and expertise in some particular field. One must also possess a high school diploma or equivalent and be interested in promoting programs of the sorority.
Visit the Philos' Facebook page here.
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated
Beta Mu Sigma Alumnae Chapter